Hello ASATT family,


I hope this letter finds you in good spirits as we move deeper into 2024. Last year was a pivotal year for the profession. We launched the PEP, conducted the largest and most comprehensive survey on the profession, saw the growth of multiple PEP programs, and offered more than 60 CEUs.


Regarding our professional practice survey, we received over 800 respondents! This is the highest number of participants in the society's illustrious history. We have you to thank for spreading the word, taking the survey, and providing invaluable feedback.


The Pasadena, CA conference was also a welcome follow-up to the successes we had in Ft. Worth. We want to express our gratitude for the support you've given ASATT as we embrace in-person events. Your feedback has been crucial as we continue to improve the experience for our valued members and colleagues. We're excited to implement more changes as we prepare for our next National conference at the OMNI hotel in beautiful Oklahoma City, from September 26-28, 2024.


With the excitement of what we have accomplished and what is being planned for the organization and profession, I want to provide some insight into our big goals:

- Complete analysis of the survey.
- Make informed, data-driven decisions to further enhance our Scope of Practice.
- Develop our new five-year Strategic plan and vision for the profession.
- Assess our offerings and operations for tomorrow.
- Improve access and participation in the profession.
- Grow our partnerships to further our identity and impact in healthcare.


We sincerely look forward to working with you and serving you this year.


Thank you,


Bryan Fulton, M.Ed., Cer.A.T.T.
President, ASATT
[email protected]