Region 5

Ahmed Hamdan Cer. A.T.T. 
E-Mail: [email protected]


Dear Region 5 ASATT Members, I am delighted to begin my role as your Regional Director, representing and advocating for the anesthesia technicians and technologists in the vibrant states of AR, CO, KS, LA, MS, NE, OK, and TX! The future of our profession in our region looks incredibly promising, and it is the collaboration of each member that will define our success. I am here to champion your ideas, foster inclusion, and make Region 5 a beacon of professional excellence. I am honored to serve in this role for the next two years and look forward to collaborating with all the dedicated professionals in our region. As we approach the New Year, I wish each of you a peaceful and rejuvenating time. Let’s connect and plan exciting events tailored to meet the needs of our region in the coming months. Your input is crucial, so let's build this future together. Wishing you all an inspiring and fulfilling journey ahead!

Ahmed Hamdan Cer. A.T.T. 
Region 5 Director

[email protected]