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CertificationThe certified Anesthesia Technologist (Cer.A.T.T.) and certified Anesthesia Technician (Cer.A.T.) are two certifications recognized by ASATT. ASATT no longer tests for the Technician Certification, however it is still accepted for those who already hold one. The Technologist certification can be earned in one of three ways. For those just beginning their career in Anesthesia Technology, you must complete a CAAHEP accredited / CoA-ATE approved program, followed by successfully passing the Technologist exam. For those uncertified individuals who have multiple years of experience and wish to pursue certification, please see the Practical Experience Pathway. Certified Anesthesia Technicians in good standing have the opportunity to sit for the Technologist certification exam by completing the Advancement Program. CEU Credit RequirementsAfter an individual has become certified or has recertified, they must begin to earn continuing education credits, according to their two year certification period. For new certified individuals they must wait for their designated two year certification period to begin. For example. if you received your Technologist certification July 18, 2022, your certification expires December 31, 2025, so your 2 year designated certification period would be January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025, meaning you would have to wait until January 1, 2024 to start earning CEUs. Cer.A.T. or Certified Anesthesia Technician- Individuals holding this certification must earn 20 CEUs during their two year certification period. Cer.A.T.T. or Certified Anesthesia Technologist - individuals holding this certification must earn 30 CEUs during their two year certification period. Recommended Program and CreditsIt is the responsibility of the individual to ensure appropriate courses are taken and complete records are maintained. Credit Calculation - Continuing Education Unit (CEU) are accepted in 15-minute increments. Hours will not be given for introductory remarks, breaks, business meetings, meals, or non-anesthesia related topics that do not fall under category II. The content of the lectures must be relevant to the Anesthesia Content Outline listed below. During each two-year recertification period, you may submit only 5 CE/CH from Category II that do not relate to the Anesthesia Technician Content Outline. Category I:
Category II:
Other educational programsCE/CHs may be earned by active participation in the field of anesthesia technology, such as presenting lectures or serving the national organization as an official member of any committee or board. CE/CHs are awarded as follows:
Carry Forward of Excess CEUsCEUs earned over the required amounts needed for Technician and Technologist recertification may not be carried over to the next certification period. Continuing Education CEUs accepted by ASATTAttendance at an ASATT National meeting Attendance at an ASATT Regional meeting ASATT Sensor Quizzes. (Only quizzes from your certification period can be used) Active participation on an ASATT Board or committee Preparing and or presenting a lecture relevant to Anesthesia Technology CEUs from ASATT approved website CEUs from the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) *ACLS – New (8 CEUs), Renewal (4 CEUs) *PALS – New (8 CEUs), Renewal (4 CEUs) *Must show documentation that it is a new or first time certification to claim 8 CEUs Other Meetings and CreditsUnder the Events tab on the ASATT website, there is a section called Meetings and Events, listing meetings that have been approved by ASATT to offer CEUs. Third-Party CEU ApprovalIt is the responsibility of the individual to determine if a seminar, meeting, or other educational opportunity outside of ASATT programming meets the requirements for ASATT approval. The individual is responsible for maintaining evidence that the CEU(s) meet the ASATT requirements. Each CEU earned outside of ASATT programming must be approved by ASATT, and will require a processing fee to be reviewed and vetted for approval. The fees and processing must be complete before credit can be earned toward recertification. Third-party CEUs earned outside of ASATT programming can be submitted for review by completing the proper Continuing Education Approval Forms, found below, and by including all relevant information needed to assess and review the CEU to ensure it meets ASATT programmatic standards. These forms are reviewed and approved by the Education Committee. • Third Party Continuing Education Payment Form Individuals applying for approval of third-party CEUs are subject to processing fees. Third-party providers are no longer required to submit pre-approval applications or fees, but that does not guarantee approval of all third-party CEUs. The processing fees (paid by the individual) are as follows: .25-10.75 CEUs - $10 per CE If a certified technician chooses to earn all required CEUs from third-party providers (BLS, ACLS, PALS excluded) the Cer.A.T. can expect to pay $275.00 total in CEU processing fees (not including the recertification fee). If a certified technologist chooses to earn all required CEUs from third-party providers (BLS, ACLS, PALS excluded) the Cer.A.T.T. can expect to pay $550.00 total in CEU processing fees (not including the recertification fee). If you have any questions or need additional information, contact ASATT HQ for assistance. Issues that cannot be readily answered are referred to the Education Committee Chair for review and response. CEU Reporting (Recertification)Certification expires December 31st every two years. Individuals who are due to recertify this year will receive an email notification that it is time to renew. These emails will be sent by November 1st. The email will include a short list of instructions for the applicants to complete. Applications mailed or postmarked after December 31 must include a $75 late fee. Remember all CEUs must be earned during your 2-year certification period. Your application will not be processed unless the correct fees are submitted. More information on ASATT recertification Record KeepingIt is the responsibility of the individual to ensure complete records are maintained. For ASATT members, ASATT sponsored CEUs (National and Regional meetings, Sensor Quizzes) will be logged in the ASATT database, and can be viewed under your member profile on the ASATT website. All other CEUs earned even if they have an ASATT approval code will need to be submitted at the time of your recertification. |