Region 1

Happy Spring Everyone!
Before you know it the crocus, tulips, Easter Lily’s, hydrangeas, daffodils, and any other spring flower there is, will be peeking out of the snow. Let the beautiful smells of Spring fill your body and give it you a refreshed energy and positivity. With that being said, let’s get to business. As I get older, I am going to start looking for a replacement for the Region 1 Director. It is time for someone else to get to experience and excitement of being the Region 1 Director. Yes, it is a lot of work, no pay for the position, however you learn so much from Board members and gather friends from all over the country. I am also looking for someone that would like to host a Regional Meeting in the fall of 2025. I am not able to hold one here where I work. If you are interested in hosting one, please email me at [email protected] I will help however I can, you would need to get speakers, provide a place to have the meeting in be in touch with the Regional Director as much as you can possibly do. In March there will be another Webinar that will be offered to you for a price that you cannot afford to miss out on. You also have the Sensor Quizzes that you can do. 2025 Webinars are as follows:
- Q1 - Regions 6 and 7, Saturday March 22, 2025, from 12 -4 pm CT
- Q2 ¬- Regions 1 and 3, Saturday June 28th from 12pm – 4pm CT
- Q3 – Regions 2 and 4, Saturday September 13th from 12pm – 4pm CT
- Q4- Region 5, Saturday December 13th from 12pm – 4pm CT
To register for the Quarterly Webinars click here. You do not have to live in the Region to attend the meeting. It is open to all Members.
AGAIN, if you are interested in hosting a meeting for this fall, please feel free to reach out to me and I would be more than happy to explain to you how it works.
HAPPY SPRING!! Respectfully Submitted,
Jonnalee Geddis, Cer.A.T. Region 1 Director [email protected]