ASATT Member Benefits 

As an ASATT member, you enjoy a wide range of valuable benefits and discounts!

  • The Sensor magazine, published quarterly online, containing exciting features, member and related programs and organizational updates, and the ever-popular Sensor Quizzes to earn Continuing Education Credit (CEUs).
  • Deep discounts on:
    • Registration fees for the annual ASATT Educational ConferenceRegional Programs, and other Societal programs offering ASATT-sponsored CEUs.
    • Application fees for the national Anesthesia Technologist Certification Examination.
    • Recertification application fees associated with maintaining your credential.
    • Posting job opportunities on the official ASATT website.
  • Maintenance of a record of the number of ASATT-sponsored educational credits you are accumulating as part of your unique member profile, earned through participation in ASATT-sponsored national and regional meetings, along with other ASATT-sponsored programs, and with those CEUs earned by taking the Sensor Quiz. ASATT stores your credits in a database specifically designed for tracking our members' CEUs. CEUs earned through other sources are not tracked through this system, so it is important that a record of these additional credits are maintained by each individual member.
  • Access to the Member Center on the official ASATT website, providing additional benefits, products and services reserved just for members.
  • The opportunity to participate in your region where you can attend regional meetings, or even host or volunteer to lecture at one of these regional offerings - these latter activities both providing yet even more opportunities to earn CEUs.
  • Access to the ASATT Discussion Forum, ASATT's members-only discussion board covering a variety of topics, where members can seek information and share practical answers and solutions with their colleagues and peers who have faced similar challenges.
  • Eligibility to serve on committees, task forces and working groups.
  • The opportunity to volunteer to speak at programs and annual conferences.
  • Participation in the governance of the Society with voting rights in elections or the opportunity to run for leadership positions.
  • Eligibility to nominate your colleagues for recognition and Regional Education awards.
  • The opportunity to connect, collaborate and network with your colleagues and other professionals in the field of Anesthesia Technology on a local, national and international basis.

ASATT Member Pricing

Certified Member Pricing: 

One Year Membership

Two Year
Quarterly Membership

Most Popular:
Two Year Membership 

  • Subscription to the Sensor
  • 8 Sensor CEU Quizzes (per year)
  • 1 webinars (4-CEUs, per year)
  • 50% OFF ASATT Webinars
  • Savings on ASATT National meeting
  • $100 Recertification Fee

Estimated total cost to recertify:
Cer.A.T.:   $500.00
Cer.A.T.T.: $500.00

$60 / Quarter for 2 years

  • Subscription to the Sensor
  • 8 Sensor CEU Quizzes (per year)
  • 1 webinars (4-CEUs, per year)
  • 50% OFF ASATT Webinars
  • Savings on ASATT National meeting
  • $100 Recertification Fee

Estimated total cost to recertify:
Cer.A.T.: $580.00
Cer.A.T.T.: $580.00

  • Subscription to the Sensor
  • 16 Sensor CEU Quizzes (8 per year)
  • 2 webinars (1 per year, 8-CEUs total)
  • 50% OFF ASATT Webinars
  • Savings on ASATT National meeting
  • NO Recertification Fee

Estimated total cost to recertify:
Cer.A.T.:   $400.00
Cer.A.T.T.: $400.00


Other Membership Options:

Associate Membership ($95.00/year) - Associate Membership is open to Anesthesiologists, CRNAs and Anesthetists. This category is not regarded as an Active Member category.

International Membership ($105.00/year) - This category is limited to any individual who is a member of an International Society of Anesthesia Technology. The International Member is not regarded as an Active Member category.

Individual Membership ($85.00/year) - Individual Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the field of anesthesia technology and any retiree who has previously fulfilled the requirements of Active Membership in Article III. Section B. Paragraph "a" of the Bylaws. This membership category is not eligible to earn CEUs offered by ASATT towards recertification and is not eligible for a discounted recertification fee.

Student Membership ($70.00/year) NOW $35/year- Student Membership is open to students enrolled in anesthesia technology training programs recognized by this Society. This category is regarded as an Active Member category.

Corporate Membership ($150.00/year) - This category is limited to businesses and other profit-oriented organizations that manufacture, distribute, provide services or otherwise have an interest in anesthesia technology. The Corporate Member is not regarded as an Active Member.

Institutional Membership ($150.00/year) - This category is limited to medical, hospital, philanthropic, scientific, governmental, and non-profit organizations that express an interest in anesthesiology. The Institutional Member is not regarded as an Active Member.