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Renew MembershipClick here to renew your ASATT membership!If you require assistance, contact Customer Care at (414) 295-9220 or [email protected]. Membership Types and Services Offered for Certified Individuals:Individuals are afforded member status if they live in the United States or its territories OR were an Active Member prior to moving outside the U.S. borders or territories and are an ASATT credentialed anesthesia technologist/technician who have maintained renewal of their credentials in accordance with ASATT regulations. 2-Year Membership ($400.00/two years) - The 2-year membership includes 12 CEUs per membership year, including 8 Sensor quizzes and 1 Webinar worth 4 CEUs. Members of this category do not pay any recertification fee at the time of recertification. You must still log in during your recertification term to recertify even though you do not have to pay a fee. 1-Year Membership ($200.00 per year) - The 1-year membership includes 12 CEUs per membership year, including 8 Sensor quizzes and 1 Webinar worth 4 CEUs. Members of this category are subject to a $100 recertification fee at the time of recertification. 2-Year Membership ($60.00 quarterly) - The 2-year quarterly membership includes 12 CEUs per membership year, including 8 Sensor quizzes and 1 Webinar worth 4 CEUs. Members of this category are subject to a $100 recertification fee at the time of recertification. Members of this category will be charged $60 per quarter during each membership year. If membership is not maintained for the entire term, any ASATT CEUs earned in those membership years will be subject to forfeiture. Membership Types and Services Offered for Non-Certified Individuals:Individuals are afforded member status if they live in the United States or its territories OR were an Active Member prior to moving outside the U.S. borders or territories and meets ANY ONE of the following criteria:
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Lifetime membership is limited to those individuals who have served as President of ASATT. This category is regarded as an Active Member status. Note: Only the Board of Directors of ASATT can confer this membership status to an individual meeting the critieria. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Individuals are afforded Associate Member status if they hold a position related to anesthesia technology but do not meet the qualifications for Active Member status. Associate Members shall have all the rights and privileges of membership EXCEPT those of voting, holding office or chairing a standing committee of the Society. Subclasses of Associate Membership include the following: Associate Membership ($95.00/year) - Associate Membership is open to Anesthesiologists, CRNAs and Anesthetists. This category is not regarded as an Active Member category. International Membership ($105.00/year) - This category is limited to any individual who is a member of an International Society of Anesthesia Technology. The International Member is not regarded as an Active Member category. Individual Membership ($85.00/year) - Individual Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the field of anesthesia technology and any retiree who has previously fulfilled the requirements of Active Membership in Article III. Section B. Paragraph "a" of the Bylaws. This membership category is not eligible to earn CEUs offered by ASATT towards recertification and is not eligible for a discounted recertification fee. Student Membership ($35.00/year) - Student Membership is open to students enrolled in anesthesia technology training programs recognized by this Society. This category is regarded as an Active Member category. Corporate Membership ($150.00/year) - This category is limited to businesses and other profit-oriented organizations that manufacture, distribute, provide services or otherwise have an interest in anesthesia technology. The Corporate Member is not regarded as an Active Member. Institutional Membership ($150.00/year) - This category is limited to medical, hospital, philanthropic, scientific, governmental, and non-profit organizations that express an interest in anesthesiology. The Institutional Member is not regarded as an Active Member. Click here to renew your ASATT membership! |