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Communicate Your MessageASATT is offering a comprehensive approach to sponsorship opportunities to help continue purposeful, quality communication all year long. These events and publications are educational outlets ASATT prides itself on and are a great resource for you to connect with out 1,600+ members. *NEW* 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities Boost Your Brand with ASATT’s *NEW* Sponsorship Program! Gain exclusive, year-round exposure to your target audience and showcase your commitment to advancing anesthesia technology. Click here to learn more! Regional Meetings In addition to our annual conference, our ASATT Regional Directors host meetings throughout the year. These mini meetings are a great way for you to extend your reach throughout the year with opportunities to present, exhibit, and network. For a listing of upcoming events, click here. If you are looking for ways to participate at the regional meetings, contact the Regional Director. ASATT Sensor AdvertisingThe ASATT Sensor has gotten a new look and format, and its offering ad space to our valued members, partners, and affiliates. Published quarterly, this magazine will feature coverage of the latest topics in Anesthesia Technology, society, member and affiliated organization news, ASATT Academy news, and so much more! This magazine will be sent to over 1,600 ASATT members with expanded distribution beyond. To check out our different advertising options, click here. Broadcast EmailsThis powerful visibility tool allows your organization the ability to reach out to 1,600+ members. At less than 5¢ to reach each member, this service is a great tool to communicate your message.
For any questions on the above, please email [email protected]. |